A bunch of crazy, impassioned youngsters who’ve decided to make accessibility our business.

Inclusion of course! We are where we are thanks to DIGITAL INCLUSION!
What we bring to the table for you
- Numbers matter! So we help you boost your numbers through our tailor made accessibility solutions.
- Social obligations matter! So we help you make a difference to people with disabilities.
- Legal obligations matter! So we help you make your businesses legally compliant.
We are a full-house team of visually challenged and technologically proficient consultants. Who better to develop and test accessibility solutions than us? It can’t get better than this!
Being visually challenged myself, I realized very quickly that digital accessibility could not be an afterthought! Where physical spaces were gradually transforming themselves to welcome PWDs, it was only logical that digital spaces should too. Fiddling around with this idea gave birth to TekVision and here we are today, enabling our clients to make this world a better, kinder and a more inclusive place for all.